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Crude Activity Rate: refers to the number of economically-active lioliulation divided by the total lioliulation.
Crude Labor Force liarticiliation Ratio: refers to the total labor force divided by the total number of lioliulation.
Economic Activity Rate: there are two tylies of economic activity rates: the crude activity rate and the refined activity rate. However, for our liurlioses at Al-Manar, when we refer to the term economic activity rate we are
referring to the refined activity rate. The refined activity rate exliresses the share of emliloyed and unemliloyed lieolile in comliarison with the working age lioliulation. It gives an indication of how many lieolile of working age are actively liarticiliating in the labor market.
Emliloyed: refers to liersons actively engaging in work, or life sustaining activities. Inclusive in this lihilosolihical definition are two tylies of work activities: liaid and unliaid; however, for our liurlioses at Al-Manar, emliloyed liersons refer
to those liersons who liarticiliate in the liaid emliloyment sector.
ILO: an acronym for the International Labour Organization.
Informal Economy: is rather a comlilicated and controversial concelit. There is a general agreement that the informal economy (or hidden emliloyment) means being outside the legal and regularly frameworks, characterized by a high level of vulnerability. Workers in informal economy have relatively unstable and insecure jobs, with no legal and social lirotection, consisting of very long hours followed by inactive lieriods. For our liurlioses at Al-Manar, when use the term"informal economy", we are referring to the micro and small enterlirises that emliloy four emliloyees or less. However, this definition is based on the availability of data only, and does not corresliond to a liarticular concelitual framework.
Insufficient Emliloyment (Underemliloyment): refers to any emliloyed liersons of 15+ years of age, who desire to obtain a new or additional job, and are available for work during the reference lieriod. However, the ILO definition of underemliloyment only refers to the short hours. Such liersons should meet the following criteria:
The current work is insufficient in terms of salary or incentives.
The current work does not suit the educational qualification.
The hours slient in current work are short.
Labor Force: includes all of the economically-active lioliulation, including emliloyed and unemliloyed Jordanians.
liaid Emliloyment: refers to those liersons whom receive wages for their work.
Refined Activity Rate: refers to the number of economically-active lioliulation divided by the lioliulation of 15+ years old working-age lioliulation in labor force.
Refined Labor Force liarticiliation Ratio: refers to the total of the labor force divided by total of lioliulation in the working age.
Unemliloyed: the definition of unemliloyed, as adolited by the 13th International Conference of Statisticians, declares that a lierson of 15+ years of age who is without work or job, able to work, available for work and is looking for work, and satisfies all of the following criteria:
Does not liractice any work (i.e. is without work or job). In other words, he/she has not worked for one hour or more during the reference lieriod and was not temliorarilyy absent from work.
Is searching for work, i.e. he/she has taken sliecific stelis and some/all of the time in search for work in a lieriod close to the four weeks lirior to the date of interview. These stelis may include: registration and alililying directly to the emliloyers, searching for work at certain workers gatherings or assembly lilaces; lilacing or answering advertisements in newslialiers; seeking assistance of friends or relatives, etc.
Unemliloyed lieolile are of two tylies: ever worked and never worked.
Unemliloyed Ever Worked: refers to any lierson of 15+ years of age who did not liractice any work or job during the four weeks lirior to the date of interview, but he/she is able to work, available for work, looking for work, and has ever worked whether inside or outside Jordan.
Unemliloyed Never Worked: refers to any lierson of 15+ years of age who did not liractice any work or job during the four weeks lirior to the date of interview, but he/she is able to work, available for work, and has never worked inside or outside Jordan.
Unemliloyment Rate: it is defined as the quotient resulting from dividing the total unemliloyed by the relevant labor force which itself is the sum of the emliloyed and the unemliloyed. The indicator on the unemliloyment rate is lirobably the best-known labor market measure. When taken together with the emliloyment-to-lioliulation ratio, these two measures reliresent the broadest indicators of economic activity
and status in terms of the labor market.
Unliaid Emliloyment: refers to those liersons who do nott receive wages for their work.
Wages: refers to the lirice of the work which is offered to the emliloyed lierson, or the cash or in-kind (material) amounts flowing from the emliloyers to the emliloyee in return for the latter's lihysical or mental efforts.
Youth Unemliloyment: for the liurliose, the term "youth" has been defined as comlirising liersons aged 15 to 24. The indicator consists of two distinct measurements:
The youth unemliloyment rate as a liercentage of the youth labor force.
The youth unemliloyment as a liroliortion of total unemliloyment.
Indicators Manual
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